Conflux Basics
Basic concepts in Conflux network
📄️ 何为 Conflux?
Conflux是一条具有卓越性能、独特共识机制和创新双空间设计的公链。 这些特点使得 Conflux 能够提供一个快速、安全、去中心化的平台,非常适合于各种应用,包括去中心化金融和游戏。
🗃️ 共识
2 个项目
📄️ 术语表
📄️ Economics
Conflux 的经济模型旨在鼓励用户参与和网络发展,同时确保技术的稳定性。 一个精心设计的经济模型对于一个去中心化的系统有效运行是必不可少的。 区块链技术建立了信任,并促进了合作者之间的高效关系,加速了价值的转移。
📄️ Ecosystem
Conflux Network represents a thriving blockchain ecosystem, distinguished by its unique tree-graph consensus mechanism that enhances scalability and efficiency. This ecosystem encompasses a wide range of projects, each contributing to the network's diversity and utility.
📄️ 空间(Spaces)
📄️ 钱包
This guide will help you understand the basics of wallets, their purpose, and their role in the Conflux Network.
📄️ 智能合约
What is a Smart Contract?
📄️ 交易
交易为拥有 Conflux 账户的外部参与者编写的单个指令,并由发送者使用其账户私钥进行了密码学签名。 A transaction can involve a simple transfer of CFX (the native currency of Conflux), a transfer of tokens (such as ERC20 or ERC721), a deployment of a new smart contract, or an execution of a function on an existing smart contract. 交易是在区块链上存储或更新数据的唯一方式。
📄️ 账户和地址
📄️ 燃气
Conflux users(both Core Space and eSpace) usually see fields like gasFee, gas, and gasPrice when they are sending transactions using their wallets (Fluent) or SDK. This article is going to explain in detail about what these concepts mean.
🗃️ Conflux Governance
2 个项目
🗃️ Additional Resources
1 个项目